Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Where the Superferry Issue goes: it's next steps
I just had a conversation with Dick Mayer, a Maui activist quite educated on the legislative and legal angles of this issue. You have likely seen his name in many of the emails which came forth in the past weeks and months.
Dick tells me that the next hurdle that happens now that the legislature has passed the Superferry bailout law, is that Superferry will go back to Maui Judge Joseph Cardoza to attempt to remove the injunction the judge placed on Superferry. There are a lot of questions in the air on this. The Hawaii State Supreme Court has concurrent jurisdiction over any ruling Judge Cardoza makes (in effect the Supreme Court is looking over the Judge's shoulder on this case).
Different scenarios begin to appear:
1. Judge Cardoza could see the law appears unconstitutional,
2. The State Supreme Court could rule that it's unconstitutional
3. Judge Cardoza could take several weeks to get more info on this, or he could rule immediately
4. The US Court of appeals could enter the picture on the Federal level, or even the US Supreme Court
I am an optimist given the Hawaii Supreme Court's 6-0 decision in the Environmentalist favor, that there will be a beneficial event from this branch of government once again.
That is my pule, instead of a very messy confrontation in the harbors.
I, in turn, ask you each to take this to prayer to see the highest good come from this issue,
John Tyler
Gary Hooser's speach before the Senate regarding the Superferry Bill
Gary Hooser's speach before the Senate regarding the Superferry Bill
My floor remarks presented on Superferry 3rd reading vote
October 29, 2007
Remarks in opposition to SB1SD1 Re: Hawaii Superferry Special Session
Madame President, I rise in opposition to SB1, SD1.
Before I begin my remarks Madame President I would like to offer my thanks to you, to the Chair of the Judiciary Committee and to all of the members who took the time to attend the neighbor island community briefings on this issue, and to truly listen to the people who came forward to share their mana'o on this important issue.
Thank you especially Madame President for showing true statewide leadership by not only agreeing to hold hearings on each of the neighbor islands but in fact insisting that we do so, and then taking that extra time attending them yourself.
Madame President, as all of us here today know, I speak today in opposition to SB1 not as the Senate Majority Leader but simply as the Senator who represents District #7 and the people of Kaua'i and Ni'ihau.
And Madame President, I will say upfront and directly…I know full well that people in my district as well as people throughout the state…are divided on this issue. Some believe strongly that it is right, fair and just that we amend the law as is being proposed today and others believe equally as strongly that to do what is being proposed is wrong, terribly unjust and are appalled that we are even considering the Bill now before us.
There has been much talk over these past few weeks about how the majority of the people in our State want the Superferry.
I do not doubt one bit that this true and I also believe that if done properly, an inter-island ferry system can be good for Hawaii.
But I also believe that most people would not be so eager to offer their support if they knew it had the potential to irreparably harm our environment, as was the conclusion of Maui Judge Cardoza. But this question was not asked in the polls that were conducted.
Neither was the question asked: Do you believe the Hawaii Superferry should comply with all State and federal laws? If it was asked, I suspect an overwhelming majority would say yes. But yet the Superferry is here today asking us to change the law, just for them.
And this is one of the most fundamental points upon which my opposition is based. We are here today to change the law to benefit one particular business, which as we all know, is the Hawaii Superferry.
Yes, the Bill does not name a specific business but only refers to "a large capacity ferry vessel" …but the entire reason we are here today in this special session, in my singular and humble opinion, is to save the Hawaii Superferry.
And I suspect a majority of people in the room today are ok with that. Many perhaps feel that because of the history, background and significance of this particular business…that it is ok to pass this Bill designed to help this one particular business.
I respect that position, however, I personally believe that it is not ok, and in fact believe that the legislation before us clearly violates at the very minimum, both the spirit and the intent of our State constitution.
Some will argue I am sure that this is an extraordinary situation that demands extraordinary measures…and I respect that view but I just cannot support it.
As most of you know, I was an early supporter of the Hawaii Superferry. In 2004 it seemed like a great idea and I signed and supported like most in the room a Resolution to that effect.
I was told by proponents at the time, that the service would provide a low cost inter-island transportation alternative to our residents, that it was environmentally friendly and it would be a boon to our economy…so I said yes…sounds good to me…let's expedite the permits and get this thing going.
Needless to say, I was not aware that they were going to ask the State to provide $40 million in harbor improvements nor was I aware that they intended to bypass the environmental review process.
Expedite means hurry up the paper shuffling, it does not mean cut corners, by-pass protections, or make an end run around the law.
And certainly expedite does not mean exempt.
For the record, I still believe that expanding inter-island travel options including an inter-island ferry operation is probably a good idea…but it needs to be done right, and it needs to follow the law, not make the law.
Perhaps…if the Hawaii Superferry was just an unwitting victim of an inept decision by State government I might feel differently. Perhaps if the "mistaken exemption" which created this whole ungodly mess was simply an inadvertent error that no one could have possibly anticipated…perhaps the entire community might feel differently.
But as we all know this is not the case.
The Hawaii Superferry operation is controlled by very wealthy and extremely politically connected individuals.
The primary principal is the former Secretary of the Navy, Mr. John Lehman who served under President Ronald Reagan, is a close friend of Henry Kissenger, an appointee to the 9/11 Commission and is closely associated with the top of the top in military and national security circles of influence.
Mr. Lehmans investment group has placed approximately $80 million dollars into this venture and they can easily afford the best lawyers in town…perhaps the best lawyers in the world.
So no…the Hawaii Superferry is not an unwitting, naive and innocent victim in this situation.
The Hawaii Superferry, the DOT and the Lingle administration have known this outcome was a possibility since day one. And they have worked "hand in glove" since day one to push this project through.
The political process according to public records began in 2003 when the Superferry operators began briefing the Lingle administration and various community groups.
According to recent testimony, Bob Awana, the former Chief of Staff to Governor Lingle was personally involved in consulting on the process and helped draft the operating agreement between Hawaii Superferry and the State.
So how much money does it require for a project to be able to negotiate directly with the Governor's office?
In 2004, the PUC began extensive public hearings with strong public sentiment pointing out the need for an environmental review. HSF management and the DOT had to have known at this point that the lack of an EA or EIS would likely pose a problem. But rather than slowing down and doing it right…they chose to plow ahead.
In 2005 the Kaua'i County Council, the Hawaii County Council and the Maui County Council all passed Resolutions calling for the requirement of an Environmental Impact Statement.
The DOT and the Hawaii Superferry adamantly opposed each of these Resolutions.
In 2005 Senate Bill 1785 also demanding an EIS be conducted was introduced and passed out of the Senate Energy and Environment Committee but was defeated in the Transportation committee after intense opposition from both the State DOT and the Hawaii Superferry.
If the State and the Hawaii Superferry would have conceded the issue in 2004 or even 2005, the EIS would likely have been completed by now and the Superferry service would be well underway.
But as we all know they did not and chose instead to keep their heads down and just push on through, in spite of growing community and legislative opposition to their position.
The lawsuits started in 2005, and though the Maui court denied the Plaintifs case, both the Hawaii Superferry and the DOT were well aware that the matter was being appealed to the Hawaii Supreme Court.
During the 2005 and 2006 legislative sessions, further attempts were made in the Senate via budget proviso's to force the owners of the HSF to be more forthcoming in their dealings with the neighbor-island communities who were expressing increasing concern about potential impacts.
In 2006, a community group, People for the Preservation of Kaua'i attempted to present Governor Lingle with a petition containing some 6,000 signatures requesting an EIS and the governor's office refused to even receive the petition.
Again, if the Hawaii Superferry and the DOT had at this point decided to just do things the right way… all of this mess, we find ourselves in today…could have been avoided.
Then, in Feb. 2007, the Environmental Council, a group of citizen volunteers appointed by the Governor and responsible for offering input and advice on the environmental review process…again…these are volunteers appointed by the Governor whose job it is to offer input and advice on environmental review matters…including the exemption process.
This group issued a 9 votes to 1 decision that stated on no uncertain terms that the DOT had made a mistake when granting the environmental review exemption. Once again both the State's own attorneys and the Superferry attorneys fought hard in opposition.
For three years running many state legislators, County councils and private citizens attempted to convince the DOT and the Hawaii Superferry to undergo an EIS process and finally during the 2007 legislative session we in the Senate passed SB1276SD2, a compromise solution that would have required an EIS while allowing the HSF to operate.
Once again…arm and arm and in lockstep… the DOT and the HSF vehemently opposed this requirement…thumbed their noses at the Senate and refused the offer of compromise.
While some might suggest that the language of SB1276 needed further clarification…one thing that was very clear…and was made in numerous public statements, by numerous people including myself… right here on the floor of the Senate…
What was imminently clear was the intent…and obviously as is routine in the legislature, language corrections and amendments if needed, could have easily been made in the House.
Once again, if the DOT and the HSF had accepted our compromise, we would not be where we are today.
All along the way, the State administration and the Hawaii Superferry have fought and resisted the requirement for proper environmental review of this project. They have been together…locked together, arm in arm, like two peas in a pod….every single step of the way.
So no. The Hawaii Superferry is not an innocent and unwitting victim deserving of special dispensation in the form of a special session and this pending legislative bailout.
They are highly influential, sophisticated, and very wealthy business operators who knowingly and willingly worked closely with the Lingle Administration in an effort to avoid…at all costs it seems…to avoid and circumvent the proper and legally required environmental review process.
The Hawaii Supreme court ruled unanimously, 6 to 0, that the DOT erred and should not have exempted the project.
The Hawaii Superferry knew full well what they were doing, they took a calculated risk and on August 23 they rolled the dice and lost.
Blaming the protestors for this debacle, and attempting to fault those in the community who believe in protecting the environment is nothing short than pathetic.
No doubt, we will hear repeated here today the mantra of how this is all the result of "a small vocal minority".
That mantra my friends is simply shibai.
For the record it was the egregious mistake made by the DOT and confirmed by a decision of the Hawaii Supreme Court which ultimately led to the stop of the Hawaii Superferry - not some mythical and all powerful "small vocal minority group".
The truth is much simpler than that:
The Lingle Administration working hand in glove with the Hawaii Superferry owners…made a bad decision and have been called on it by the highest court in our State.
In addition to being unwilling to support special interest legislation on principal…I also believe given the history of this particular situation, a bail out of this nature is totally unwarranted…and quite frankly they don't deserve it.
Again for those who believe this is the only way we can fix this sorry state of affairs…I respect your opinion, I do not question your integrity, your principals nor your intent but I do disagree.
I believe that good people, people of good will and intelligence can agree to disagree. I believe that good people can look at the same set of facts and circumstances and come to different conclusions.
However in my heart, I also believe that in this particular situation we are poised on the edge of making a grave error.
If passed, this legislation…in my singular and humble opinion…has the potential to seriously undermine our existing environmental laws and establishes a new standard that is sure to encourage other businesses follow.
Worst of all… is the message this decision sends to those in our community who believe that playing by the rules is important.
What do we tell those folks on Maui who fought so hard in court, against overwhelming odds and the tremendous combined legal resources provided by the State and the Hawaii Superferry?
What do we tell those in my district whose community and political awareness has been incredibly galvanized by this issue?
What do we tell our youth, young adults in their 20's and 30's who up until now most would have considered "disenfranchised"…
young adults who up until this point have had little faith in government…until that is the Hawaii Supreme Court ruled in their favor…proving to them…at least for a little while anyway.. that the "fix was not in" and that the system did in fact "work".
What do we tell those folks who played by the rules, fought against overwhelming odds, finally were awarded a victory…
and then we come along and change the rules…and yank that victory away before the ink is even dry on the paper it was written on.
Yes…technically it is true that the Court judgment stopping the HSF from sailing to Maui does not apply to Kaua'i and there is no legal impediment at this time preventing the HSF from going to Nawiliwili…tomorrow if they like.
But to most in my community…this legal technicality does not dampen nor detract from the truth…and the truth is that the DOT should not have granted the exemption and the Hawaii Superferry should not have been allowed to sail prior to conducting the required environmental review.
So what now?
It is inevitable that this Bill or some version of it will pass…and the Hawaii Superferry will sail soon once again…without the EIS but yes with some conditions that should help…and I thank my colleagues for the significant effort it took to amend this legislation.
This issue has drained our spirit and divided our community.
It is time now for all of us to move on.
Before I close I have two requests to make…one of my community and one of the Hawaii Superferry.
I am asking those in my community and on Maui and elsewhere…those who may be outraged at the legislative action that is taken this week …
please know that I share your outrage, your anger and your disappointment.
I agree, the system has let us down. But I ask you to please…please take a deep breath and think about the future before acting in haste.
Jumping in the water, putting yourself and your friends in physical danger, risking arrest…it is just not worth it.
Protest and boycott if you must…but please do so peacefully and within the bounds of the law. Better yet, I urge you to focus your positive energy and join with others of like mind to help change and improve the system.
To the owners of the Hawaii Superferry I ask that you also help heal the rifts and calm the tempers by participating in and embracing a community centered Hooponopono process of conflict resolution, prior to launching service.
I urge you to accept the assistance and participation of an independent third party facilitator who might gather community leaders together for positive collaborative dialogue, without the presence of government.
Put off your launch date for now and work instead to help mend the wounds that have been created in our communities and around our state.
Madam President, colleagues and friends…I thank you for your indulgence in allowing me extended time to share with you my deepest thoughts on this issue…this issue which has taken so much from each and every one of us.
As you know already, my vote will be NO…but as I hope you also understand, I do respect and honor your decision and your vote, whatever it may be on this issue.
Thank you. gh
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Kauai senator swims upstream against ferry
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By Derrick DePledge
Advertiser Government Writer
With television footage of protesters pounding on cars leaving Hawaii Superferry at Nawiliwili Harbor still burning in his head, the caller who left a message on state Senate Majority Leader Gary Hooser's voice mail on a Sunday afternoon last month wanted the Kaua'i senator to feel some pain.
"Hope you watch your back, brah! You (expletive). You and your family, your car, your house, everything, eh? How you like that, eh, you being threatened? How those people felt, the old people getting in their cars trying to drive on to Kaua'i? How you think they felt, brah? You better watch your back."
Twenty minutes later, the man — who said he was a Radford guy, like Hooser — called back to calmly apologize. He said he was so upset at the thought his own elderly parents could have been treated badly on Kaua'i that he lashed out. Six hours later, he left another apology.
The Superferry debate has pushed people to extremes.
Gov. Linda Lingle is the villain among many Superferry opponents, while much of the anger from the project's supporters seems directed at Hooser, a public-relations executive who emerged as a Senate leader in the past year.
Hooser, D-7th (Kaua'i, Ni'ihau), has been called out for hypocrisy by some Republicans and Honolulu talk-radio hosts and taunted on Internet discussion boards for his criticism of Superferry.
As majority leader, it is Hooser's job to articulate the opinion of Senate Democrats, but he is in the minority on Superferry. He has had to balance his responsibility as a voice for the people of Kaua'i with his larger role as a leader in the Senate and the state.
"Like a majority of people in the state and in the Senate, when I first heard about the ferry I thought it was a good idea," Hooser said in an interview.
"Perhaps I naively believed the information that was presented. But I thought it was a good idea, then the more I learned about it the more concerns I had. The straw that broke the camel's back was when they asked for the exemption (from environmental review) and the $40 million in state harbor improvements."
Hooser co-sponsored a Senate resolution in 2004 that described the high-speed interisland catamaran as environmentally friendly and urged the state and federal governments to quickly process certification and loan guarantees for the project.
But after hearing environmental concerns from the Neighbor Islands, Hooser was among the lawmakers who first asked for an environmental review. He also joined senators who questioned whether the Senate should grant all of the harbor improvement money until Superferry executives fully explained how they would address whale, invasive species and traffic issues.
Last session, Hooser — along with state Sen. J. Kalani English, D-6th (E. Maui, Moloka'i, Lana'i), state Sen. Shan Tsutsui, D-4th (Kahului), and state Sen. Russell Kokubun, D-2nd (S. Hilo, Puna, Ka'u) — demanded an environmental review even if it meant delaying the Superferry's summer launch.
Hooser convinced the state Environmental Council, which advises the state on environmental policy, to evaluate the state Department of Transportation's February 2005 decision to exempt the Superferry project from an environmental review. The council, acting against the advice of its attorney, issued an opinion faulting the department for failing to consider the project's cumulative impact when granting the exemption.
The four senators were largely alone at the state Capitol in demanding an environmental review and, faced with likely defeat in the Senate, they offered to amend their bill to allow the ferry to launch while a review was conducted. While their intent was clear, the language of the bill was flawed and was rejected by Superferry, the state and the House. House leaders thought it was pointless to jeopardize the project so close to its launch after investing in harbor improvements.
"Somehow, I don't believe this whole thing is over with," Hooser told The Advertiser in March.
While his prediction looks prophetic now, Hooser was sure it was over. He was as surprised as anyone when the state Supreme Court ruled in August that the state was in error and that an environmental review is required for the project.
When talk of a special session first surfaced a few weeks later, Hooser told The Advertiser he would probably have to go with the Senate if leadership offered Superferry executives a similar deal as last session. Within a few hours, however, Hooser called back. He had thought it over, he said, and decided that circumstances had changed.
People on Kaua'i — his constituents — had jumped into the harbor to block the ferry. A Maui court was deciding whether to allow the ferry to resume service to Kahului Harbor while the state did an environmental review.
Hooser said he could not endorse a special session to help Superferry.
Rick Hamada, a conservative who hosts a morning radio show on KHVH, said he respects people in politics and understands they have a tough job.
"The thing that I found striking about his ardent opposition to the Superferry is that it's juxtaposed with the Senate resolution (in 2004). It was tough for me to reconcile the two," he said.
"And I think that's what we as the public are kind of looking at. Anybody has the right and the ability to change their mind on issues and such, but it just seems that it was so profoundly on one side in the beginning and then has just switched to this position now."
Michael W. Perry, co-host of the top-rated Perry & Price morning radio show on KSSK, said some media coverage of the Superferry opposition has painted Kaua'i and Maui with too broad a brush. He believes most people on those islands, like on O'ahu, support the Superferry.
Perry said he is puzzled why Hooser is "forsaking the majority for an exceedingly tiny minority."
State Senate Minority Leader Fred Hemmings, R-25th (Kailua, Waimanalo, Hawai'i Kai), has often singled Hooser out for criticism. Hemmings issued a statement after the protests on Kaua'i that mistakenly claimed Hooser was on the pier at Nawiliwili Harbor with a megaphone cheering on surfers and kayakers in the water.
"I have played hardball with Senator Hooser, but I think his heart is in the right place," Hemmings said. "Senator Hooser, I realize, has to keep a certain segment of his constituency happy, but likewise he should be doing what is fair and equitable for the long-term interests of the state."
Hooser, a former Kaua'i County Councilmember who lives in Wailua Homesteads, did not have a statewide presence until he ran in the Democratic primary for Congress in the 2nd District last year on a progressive and environmental platform that stressed his Neighbor Island perspective. He finished fifth out of 10 candidates.
His congressional campaign helped Hooser get the majority leader post after state Senate President Colleen Hanabusa, D-21st (Nanakuli, Makaha), took over the Senate before last session.
Hooser said his objections to Superferry grew as he learned how aggressively Superferry executives and the state resisted an environmental review.
"It's not just the process. It's the arrogance of both the company and the Department of Transportation over a three-year period, continually pushing to get around this requirement and ignoring the people," he said.
Hooser said much of the feedback he has heard on Superferry from Kaua'i has been supportive of his position, although he acknowledges that a less vocal segment wants the Superferry and is uncomfortable with the protests. While he believes he is doing the right thing, he will find out for sure what people think next year when he is up for re-election.
At an informational briefing on a draft Superferry bill on Oct. 21 in Lihu'e, Hooser received an extended ovation from the audience.
"He's sort of moving into his own and he's actually becoming more of a leader as well as a listener," said Ron Wiley, who hosts a morning radio show on KONG in Lihu'e.
Noah Hamilton, a photographer who lives in Hanalei, said he appreciates that Hooser has been willing to stick with people concerned about the Superferry.
"It's amazing that they've taken the hits that they have," Hamilton said of Hooser and the three other Neighbor Island senators. "Basically, what it comes down to with Hooser is that it's nice to have someone from Kaua'i fighting for us, and that's what he's done."
Ashley Osler, a yoga instructor who lives in Wailua, said Hooser understands that feelings run deeper than the ferry and are about preserving something precious on the island.
"It's coming to a profound turning point," Osler said. "It's not like the years before where special interests are going over the people. Now, the people really are going to fight this. They're going to stand up. It's not just about Kaua'i, it's about the welfare of the community, of the world."
Senators approved a compromise bill in committee on Thursday that would allow Superferry to resume service while the state conducts an environmental impact statement, which would overturn a Maui court ruling barring the ferry from Kahului Harbor and help clear the way for the ferry to return to Kaua'i.
Hooser, English, Tsutsui and Kokubun were the only senators to vote against the bill.
The full Senate is expected to vote on the bill tomorrow, and while Hooser again plans to vote "no," he also wants to send a message to people who might feel the Legislature is betraying their victories in court and in the water.
Several activists have said that if Superferry returns to Kaua'i before an environmental review is completed that protesters will go back into Nawiliwili Harbor, possibly in larger numbers than in August.
Lingle and the Coast Guard have warned of arrests and prosecution for violations of a new federal security zone at the harbor intended to protect the ferry.
Hooser said he will ask Superferry executives and activists on Kaua'i to try to talk through their differences, perhaps with the help of the Spark Matsunaga Institute for Peace at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa.
Hooser also said he would appeal to people on Kaua'i and Maui not to risk their safety by violating the law.
"I will tell them that if they're going to protest, that they should do so legally and safely," Hooser said. "And the most effective protest is to protest with their pocketbooks.
"But I do not want to see people put in harm's way. I do not want to see people arrested or any lives ruined."
Reach Derrick DePledge at
Friday, October 26, 2007
Superferry's Tig Krekel bull dozing Kaua'i again; and Sen President: Is she a split personality?
From the Honolulu Advertiser today;
Tig Krekel, the vice chairman of J.F. Lehman & Co., the Superferry's main investor, said the new bill was a positive development and that senators had done an excellent job.
Superferry executives have said they could resume service within 10 days of legislators passing a bill.
Asked how Superferry would approach potential resistance on the Neighbor Islands, particularly Kaua'i, Krekel said: "Do not confuse a very loud minority with speaking for all the people of Kaua'i. We have received countless communications from Kaua'i residents about how embarrassed they are and that the loud minority of activists, not environmentalists — but activists — do not speak for them.
"So we're hopeful that that situation will calm down."
This is exactly what Senate President Hanabusa referred to when she said, Superferry needed to heal with the islands rather than cause further rift. Mr. Krekel is demonstrating the arrogance that got Superferry into trouble by bullying its way into Nawiliwili in the first place. Mr. Krekel pull you foot out of your mouth and sit down, you're not helping the situation "calm down" but escalate once again.
And speaking of Senate President Hanabusa, she was quoted today as saying, " "What the Senate did was consider the testimony and come up with a good compromise," said Senate President Colleen Hanabusa, D-Nanakuli-Makua. "Everyone seems to be OK with the bill. No one will ever be perfectly happy."
The 300 Kauaians who spoke in favor to 2 speaking opposed of an EIS first, or no session at all are not "OK with the bill, nor is our Senator, and you clearly know that, yet you say "Everyone seems to be OK with the bill." Are you a split personality here?
I wonder were you bold faced lying when you implied to the packed Kauai senate hearing this past Sunday that the Senate could simply come in to Special Session and adjourn....were you yanking Kauai's chain? or are you honestly looking to help Kaua'i and all Hawaii in a yet undisclosed way. Are you trustworthy as Gary Hooser to us, or are you playing us all as fools to your own perceived agenda?
I hold for your higher soul's awareness of your actions here, and know you had 300+ souls including 5 senators hear your statement very clearly, clear as a bell.
OKs for bill buoy ferry/Gov and court launch blame

DENNIS ODA / DODA@STARBULLETIN.COM State Reps. Michael Magaoay, left, and Pono Chong conferred during yesterday's hearing on the Superferry bailout bill. They were nearly hidden behind the stack of papers related to the proposal.
OKs for bill buoy ferry
Senate changes add environmental steps, while the House mulls the original version
»Gov and court launch blame to and fro STORY SUMMARY »A bill to keep the Hawaii Superferry in operation despite a court injunction advanced yesterday in the state Legislature.
However, Senate committees amended an agreed-to bill to increase environmental restrictions on the high-speed ferry.
After a 12-hour committee hearing yesterday, the House is ready to vote today on a version of the measure that does not have the environmental restrictions.
Superferry officials were happy with the Senate compromise bill, but the Hawaii Sierra Club was not. The group is one of three that got a court order against the ferry's operation at Kahului Harbor.
Still, Jeff Mikulina, president of the Hawaii Sierra Club, said the proposed changes "are far better than the original draft bill."
The compromise was worked out yesterday afternoon among three Senate committees: Judiciary, Transportation and Environment.
Meanwhile, on Kauai, police have arrested two men for allegedly blocking Superferry passengers from leaving the harbor when the ship docked at Nawiliwili Harbor on Aug. 26.
The men were also charged with disorderly conduct and impersonating a police officer.
Hawaii Superferry officials are backing a compromise bill that increases environmental restrictions on the high-speed ferry but allows it to sail despite a court injunction.
The compromise was worked out yesterday afternoon among three Senate committees: Judiciary, Transportation and Environment.
"From what I heard, it sounds like a very positive development. We reserve final judgment, but everything we heard was very positive," said Tig Krekel, vice chairman of J.F. Lehman & Co., the ferry's main investor.
Meanwhile, two House committees advanced the same bill un-amended yesterday after a marathon 12-hour hearing.
Both House and Senate were to meet today in their respective chambers for preliminary voting.
The minor changes to the Senate bill did not please everyone.
Jeff Mikulina, president of the Hawaii Sierra Club, which was one of the organizations that successfully sued to halt the ferry's run to Maui, said the ship still should not sail until the required environmental assessments are done.
"We don't think it goes far enough, and we just don't agree with the process," Mikulina said.
But he added that the proposed changes "are far better than the original draft bill."
He said that if the bill is amended any more, it should include provisions to slow the ship when it travels through areas with whale populations.
Although the measure, SB 1, passed out of the three committees, most of the senators voted "with reservations," a legislative device that allows lawmakers to approve something while still saying it was not completely to their liking.
One legislator who rejected the compromise was Sen. Russell Kokubun (D, Hilo-Naalehu), who called the entire process with the Superferry "bungled from the beginning."
"The process was not followed, and I am disappointed in how it turned out," Kokubun said.
Also voting no was Sen. J. Kalani English, who said his rural Maui constituents did not want the Superferry without increased environmental safeguards. "My district demands more," said English (D, East Maui-Lanai-Molokai).
But Sen. Ron Menor, who earlier in committee had pushed for the more restrictive safeguards, said the compromise was a good one. "This is fair and reasonable," said Menor (D, Mililani-Waipio).
Senate President Colleen Hanabusa, who had argued for the Senate's four days of public hearings, including three on the neighbor islands, said the resulting legislation should now clear the Senate. "I think we will be OK and we are on our way," Hanabusa (D, Nanakuli-Makua) said.
In the House, the bill passed out of the Transportation and Finance committees by votes of 11-0 and 14-3, respectively.
Finance Chairman Marcus Oshiro expressed some reservations and urged members to vote their conscience.
"I have additional questions for the departments," said Oshiro (D, Wahiawa-Poamoho). "We didn't hear from the Department of Land and Natural Resources, we didn't hear from the Office of Environmental Quality Control and we did not hear from the governor."
The amendments to the Senate bill would require the Superferry to apply for a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration incidental-take permit, which requires a filing of a federal plan to discuss how it would handle the accidental striking of a whale.
The new bill also requires a National Marine Fisheries Service observer be on the ferry when traveling through whale waters. The ferry would also have to put up signs forbidding passengers from taking fishing nets or soil and dirt on board.
Passengers would be required to declare all plants and fruits or invasive species.
And the ferry would have to inspect all vehicles prior to boarding.
How they voted
Three key Senate committees passed a compromise bill yesterday that would allow the Hawaii Superferry to resume interisland service without first having to complete an environmental study. Here is how members from the Judiciary and Labor, Transportation and International Affairs, and Energy and Environment committees voted:Judiciary Committee
Five in favor, including four with reservations: Sen. Sam Slom (R, Diamond Head-Hawaii Kai), Sen. Brian Taniguchi (D, Moiliili-Manoa), Sen. Clayton Hee (D, Kahuku-Kaneohe), Sen. Mike Gabbard (D, Kalaeloa-Makakilo) and Sen. Clarence Nishihara (D, Waipahu)
One opposed: Sen. Russell Kokubun (D, Hilo-Naalehu)
Transportation Committee
Four in favor, including two with reservations: Sen. Will Espero (D, Ewa-Ewa Beach-Lower Waipahu), Sen. Lorraine Inouye (D, Hilo-Honokaa), Sen. Mike Gabbard (D, Kalaeloa-Makakilo) and Sen. Gordon Trimble (R, Downtown-Waikiki)
Three opposed: Sen. Kalani English (D, East Maui-Lanai-Molokai), Sen. Gary Hooser (D, Kauai-Niihau) and Sen. Shan Tsutsui (D, Wailuku-Kahului)
Energy Committee
Three in favor: Sen. Ron Menor (D, Mililani-Waipio), Sen. Les Ihara (D, Kahala-Palolo), Sen. Gordon Trimble (R, Downtown-Waikiki)
Two opposed: Sen. Gary Hooser (D, Kauai-Niihau) and Sen. Russell Kokubun (D, Hilo-Naalehu)
Source: Associated Press
Gov and court launch blame to and fro
Associated Press
Amid the legislative effort to save the Hawaii Superferry, there is still room for blame-laying, and the hottest debate is between the Governor's Office and the Hawaii Supreme Court.
The latest volley came yesterday from the acting chief of staff for Gov. Linda Lingle, who criticized court administrative director Thomas R. Keller in his laying the blame for a delayed decision in the case on Superferry officials.
Joy Watari, speaking for the Governor's Office, said Keller "seems to miss the big picture."
The debate started with Lingle herself in an uncharacteristic statement Oct. 12, placing much of the blame for the Superferry fiasco on the state's highest court.
Injecting a note of sarcasm, Lingle said, "The Supreme Court, for whatever their reason was, decided to wait over a year and a half to reach a decision and to do it two days before this service was set to begin." She referred to the court's Aug. 23 ruling that the state should have required an environmental assessment of the islands' first big car and passenger service.
Keller, in a news release from the high court on Wednesday, lashed back at Lingle and Superferry officials, saying that to imply the Supreme Court deliberately waited to make its ruling until days before the ferry service was to begin "is wrong and does a disservice to the people of Hawaii by undermining their trust in the justice system."
He blamed the delay on Superferry attorneys' request to postpone oral arguments. Keller said the courts were involved in several other activities while considering the Superferry case, hearing 300 other appeals, 90 original proceedings, 150 applications to review decisions of the intermediate appellate court, and 1,300 motions.
Keller also said Superferry officials' decision to jump-start the service to Maui and Kauai early with $5 fares also reduced the time to deal with the court ruling.
In yesterday's response from the Governor's Office to the high court, Watari said Superferry actions and the brief delays the company might have caused in proceedings "were inconsequential."
"The main point, as Gov. Linda Lingle pointed out earlier this month, is that the Supreme Court sat on this very important case for a year and a half," Watari said. "And when the justices finally did issue their controversial ruling on Aug. 23, there was limited time available for Superferry officials or the state Department of Transportation to respond before the service was scheduled to set sail."
She acknowledged that the court had other cases over the 18 months it took to reach a decision in the Superferry case, but she said it still should have decided the important issue "many, many months ago."
"Did all of those cases have widespread repercussions that might affect our state economy for years to come?" Watari asked. "I think that is truly the big picture, which some people can't see right now in the midst of this contentious debate."
© Honolulu Star-Bulletin --
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The temperature is rising
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lanny Sinkin <>
Date: Oct 25, 2007 5:30 PM
Subject: The temperature is rising
Judiciary faults ferry for late ruling
| Photo gallery: Hawaii Superferry hearing |
By Christie Wilson
Advertiser Neighbor Island Editor
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A Judiciary official yesterday said actions by Hawaii Superferry officials were the reason a pivotal Hawai'i Supreme Court ruling was delivered less than a week before the service's launch.
Responding to criticism by Gov. Linda Lingle, Administrative Director of Courts Thomas Keller issued a statement saying, "The implication that the Hawai'i Supreme Court deliberately timed its decision to occur 'two days before' the Superferry was scheduled to start is wrong and does a disservice to the people of Hawai'i by undermining their trust in the justice system."
Legal sources said it is unusual for the judicial and executive branches to spar publicly, although perhaps not surprising considering the high-stakes nature of the Superferry case.
An appeal to the Supreme Court led to an Aug. 23 ruling that said the state Department of Transportation erred in granting $40 million in ferry-related harbor improvements an exemption from environmental review. A subsequent Maui Circuit Court ruling prohibited the ferry from using Kahului Harbor until the assessment was completed.
Lingle said Oct. 12 that she bore no responsibility for the Superferry crisis. "I think we made a decision based on the law at the time. The Supreme Court, for whatever their reason was, decided to wait over a year and a half to reach a decision and to do it two days before this service was set to begin," she said.
Keller pointed out that when the Supreme Court first notified the parties that oral arguments would be held Aug. 15, the Superferry was accepting reservations for travel beginning Sept. 5. On Aug. 11, the company moved up its launch date to Aug. 28.
After the Aug. 23 ruling, the company rescheduled its first voyages even earlier, to Aug. 26 with special $5 fares.
"The Superferry officials — and not the Supreme Court — shortened the time frame to the two days between the Supreme Court's decision and the commencement of service by advancing the start date," Keller said.
Furthermore, Keller said, oral arguments and, hence, a decision were delayed at the request of Superferry attorneys.
Court records show that company attorney Lisa Munger filed a motion June 27 seeking a delay until Aug. 27 because of her previously scheduled Mainland vacation from Aug. 3 to 13. The motion also noted that Munger's co-counsel, Lisa Bail, had planned a Mainland vacation for Aug. 3 to 21.
Isaac Hall, attorney for the Sierra Club, Maui Tomorrow and the Kahului Harbor Coalition, objected to the delay because of news accounts that Superferry officials hoped to start service in late August.
The Supreme Court agreed to reschedule oral arguments for Aug. 23, issuing its ruling that same day in what observers say was unusual expediency.
Lingle also has criticized the length of time it took the high court to resolve a July 2005 appeal of a Maui court decision that favored the state and the Hawaii Superferry.
Judiciary spokeswoman Marsha Kitagawa earlier responded to those concerns, explaining the Supreme Court decided more than 300 other appeals during that period, with priority given to cases involving the fate of children and prisoners in state custody. The five justices also handled 90 original proceedings, 150 applications to review decisions of the Intermediate Court of Appeals, and 1,300 motions during that time.
The Lingle administration said it wanted to clarify the concerns expressed in Keller's statement before commenting.
Lingle has taken the high court to task before. The panel's case backlog was one concern cited by the governor when she lambasted the court as "dysfunctional" during a public speech in April 2003. Lingle also complained of what she said were inconsistent rulings and a tendency by the Supreme Court to shape state law rather than interpret it.
Keller would not comment on whether he had been directed by the Supreme Court justices to respond to the governor's criticism. The administrative director of the courts is appointed by the chief justice with the approval of the Supreme Court.
Four of the five justices — Chief Justice Ronald Moon and Associate Justices Steven Levinson, Paula Nakayama and Simeon Acoba Jr. — were appointed by Democratic governors. Associate Justice James Duffy Jr. was appointed by the Republican Lingle in 2003.
Duffy authored the 104-page opinion released Aug. 31 that explained the court's Aug. 23 ruling.
Retired Supreme Court justice Robert Klein said yesterday he could not recall a previous occasion when the court responded publicly to criticism over litigation.
However, the court did go public in 1997 after attacks on the long-held practice of Supreme Court justices selecting Kamehameha Schools trustees. In what was considered an extraordinary statement, the court defended the practice and its integrity, but voted later that year to turn the appointments over to a probate judge.
"It is pretty unusual, but the Supreme Court has come under criticism by the governor before," said Klein, referring to Lingle's 2003 remarks. "I guess they couldn't restrain themselves this time because the issue is so public."
Klein, a frequent supporter of Democrats when he was not on the bench, said it is not considered appropriate or ethical for judges to comment on their rulings outside of court.
However, Klein said, the court may have felt it was OK to speak out "to set the record straight." In this instance, the court is addressing the appeal process and not the actual decision, he said.
"In this situation, they are probably thinking the public needs to be educated about the process. It's fair to comment on the process, especially if the criticism threatens to undermine the court's authority and prestige."
Klein, who served on the court from 1992 to 2000, said he feels criticism from the state's top elected leader could affect public confidence in the courts.
"It does have some effect when you have a separate co-equal branch of government criticize another separate co-equal branch that really can't respond," he said.
He dismissed Lingle's suggestion that the court purposely timed the Superferry decision to create havoc.
"Any time you can get rid of a case in front of you is a good time. With so many cases (pending), timing is never, ever a determination," he said.
Frank Padgett, who served on the Hawai'i Supreme Court from 1982 to 1992, said he recalled routine assaults on the Judiciary by the late Honolulu prosecutor Charles Marsland, but doesn't remember mixing it up with the executive branch.
"After all, the bottom line is if you don't agree with the court ruling, that's what legislatures are for," Padgett said.
"It's unusual for the court to engage in a name-calling contest with the administration. When I was on the court, frankly, if we had gotten criticism in that manner we wouldn't have said anything."
But Padgett also said, "I didn't think there was any excuse for the two-year delay" in the Superferry appeal.
Attorney Hall said the importance of the issue may have prompted the Judiciary to speak out.
"With the administration and the Legislature contemplating overruling the Judiciary, you have the three branches of government engaged in a fairly momentous struggle right now," Hall said.
Jon Van Dyke, a constitutional law professor at the University of Hawai'i, said criticism by another branch of government puts judges in an "awkward position" because they aren't free to defend themselves. In this case, he said, the criticism is "a little unseemly" because Lingle's own appointee on the high court authored the Superferry opinion.
"The Supreme Court is handling a lot of cases and going through a transition, so (the time elapsed for the Superferry appeal) was not unusual. Appeals are complicated," he said.
Van Dyke advised Democratic Sen. Ron Menor last year on drafting a compromise bill that would have allowed the Superferry to begin service while an environmental review was done. The proposal was rejected by House leaders.
Van Dyke said recent restructuring of the appeals system is addressing the Supreme Court backlog and speeding cases.
The new process, which went into effect July 1, 2006, directs appeals from trial courts and state agencies to the Intermediate Court of Appeals, where six justices hear cases in panels of three. Appeals in important cases are eligible for transfer to the Supreme Court, and other cases can be sent directly to the higher court.
The number of appeals court judges was increased from four to six, and Van Dyke said he and others would like to see that number increased to nine to further expedite appeals.
An agenda item for the current special session includes confirmation of Lingle appointee Randal Lee to fill a vacancy on the intermediate panel.
• • •
STATEMENT ISSUED BY HAWAI'I SUPREME COURT Thomas R. Keller, administrative director of the state courts, issued this statement yesterday: |
Reach Christie Wilson at .
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Lanny Sinkin
P. O. Box 944
Hilo, Hawai'i 96721
(808) 936-4428
Attorney at Law (Federal Practice)
Ali'i Mana'o Nui (Chief Advocate and Spiritual Advisor) by appointment of
Ali'i Nui Mo'i (King) Edmund Keli'i Silva, Jr.
John Tyler
toll free 866-530-4117
See for CPR and First Aid training for swim lessons at home and lifeguarding
enrollment/booking link:
Serving Los Angeles, San Jose, and Hawai'i Founded in 1991
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Announcing: New Anti-Superferry/Lingle Bumperstickers arriving
So many people have asked for more bumper stickers to be made, so we have them on order to arrive Friday or Saturday. This is what we've got:
Sink Da Superferry, initial quantity of 250
Impeach Lingle, initial quantity of 100
No Strykerferry! initial quantity of 100
If the pictures of the bumper sticker did not show up on this email, you can see them by clicking on this, and scrolling through to the stickers: blog
The coordinator of the bumper sticker distribution is Fabienne Christie in the Wailua Homesteads (Kaua'i).
To recover our costs of printing and shipping, we are asking for a $3 donation for any one sticker, of $2 each if you get more than one. These are suggested donations, and we won't turn someone away if they can't pay. The issue is too important. We reserve the right to limit quantities if needed.
Want a sticker or a few, contact only:
(808) 821-9847
or email her:
Best wishes,
John Tyler
(designer of the stickers)
Send a Condom for the Cause to the Legislators! Have Fun With it!
For immediate distribution to each of your lists far and wide--this is fun and effective. Myspacers bulletin this all over for friends of Hawaii~~~
Dear EIS Superferry/Sink Da Superferry friends, and all the 20 somethin' Myspacers for the Cause:
I have a strong, impacting message you can help complete that would really get the point to our legislators this week and next while they ponder the very corrupt bill to bail out Superferry. If we stop it, we can stop its damage to our islands' environment, land and sea life. Send the attached list of senators and representatives (or a sampling thereof), a one line note with a packaged condom! Note to read~~"Don't punch holes in this for Superferry's benefit! Keep us ALL protected.
They'll get the message clear. Other phrases you may want to add great, be creative, but considerate. They also call rubbers: prophylatics, universal precautions, whatevahs... "no eis- no love baby!"
I leave it to you what KIND of rubber you wanna send to them and to whom. Is it a Magnum? a Trojan, a glow in the dark? metaphors and meaning abound....
A similar idea worked incredibly well to shift the mind of a US President, President Truman I believe back 50 years ago, when he received nickles mailed in from hundreds of thousands of citizens all across the country on a topic that could be funded for a nickle per person. He got the citizens' message and changed his mind. This is the 2007 more straight up version of that.
Imagine 76 Hawaii state legislators receiving 500, or 1,000, or 5,000 mailed condoms. Would that make the news? Would that make a statement???? Tell your friends in College, myspacers! Those not in college, email all your friends and pass the word quick. Groups could mail them together. 67 cents in postage on a regular envelope if by itself, and a 50 cent condom. Or just send them to the O'ahu senators/reps who we know are pressured by their home boys to allow 'em to rape, pillage and plunder the neighbors...
Let's all take the step to call it as we see it, and show how unethical and messed up this bailout bill is to Hawai'i Nei.
Malama Pono amigos,
John of Kaua'i
(I'm goin with the Magnums)
more background info at my home site:
questions, email me:
DIRECTIONS FOLLOW (sorry brah, not directions for the condom, you and da sweetheart figure that one out on your own):
This is easy for mailing: All the Senators and Representatives share the same big house--the Capitol. So the addresses are all the same, with different apartments, actually room numbers. If you want to save $$ and are sending to many different legislators, you can put individual sealed envelopes with their name and room number on it, with your yowza yowza reminder gift in one big envelope and address it to:
Sergeant at Arms
Hawaii State Capitol
415 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
If you choose not to send condoms to all the 76 legislators below, but just a few, I'd suggest a couple of options:
Send one to your home Representative and Senator, especially those of you on O'ahu as many of those reps and sens don't seem to understand the birds and the bees of this important issue (actually the birds ground nesting DIE on Kaua'i if one preggy O'ahau mongoose hitches a ride to Kaua'i, and the Bees, well they DIE TOO with the O'ahu inhabited Verona Bee Mite if it goes to Maui, Kaua'i or Big Island (google it if you want)--DEAD birds and DEAD bees--NOT GOOD.....dead baby whales too but that's another story.
Send one to Senator Fred Hemmings, room 221, read the papers on this one...he should get a Magnum, and NOT because of what's in his shorts.
To find out who your legislators are (you have both a Senator AND a Representative) click this link:
Find who my big wigs are here
Next, send one to the Big Big Wigs--Speaker of the House, his name is Calvin Say room # 431, the President of the Senate Colleen Hanabusa room #409--(Mr. Hanabusa will thank you tonight!, I don't know about Mrs. Say, just kidding), and but of course, Governor Lingle (she's got the whole 5th Floor Penthouse of da place, quite da pad, all pimped out)....better put some extra condoms there, wink wink....she's the one who's putting the pukas in the prophilactics in the first place. You wanna see what these smart and stylish lookin' people look like?
Click here:
Smart and good lookin'
Stylish and good lookin'
and then there's the Governor, smart for the fat cats, and we know who they are in this charade
If you've got some extra latex, run down the list below and guess who you think would NEED or LIKE the condoms the most....have fun.
I personally, am sending them to all of 'em. When else can we honestly send our favorite Uncle something he can truly use, and deliver our message?
All offices are located at:
415 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
All Senators | E-mail | |
Baker, Rosalyn H. (D) | Phone 808-586-6070 | |
Room 210 | District 5 | Fax 808-586-6071 |
E-mail | ||
Bunda, Robert (D) | Phone 808-586-6090 | |
Room 202 | District 22 | Fax 808-586-6091 |
E-mail | ||
Chun Oakland, Suzanne (D) | Phone 808-586-6130 | |
Room 226 | District 13 | Fax 808-586-6131 |
E-mail | ||
English, J. Kalani (D) | Phone 808-587-7225 | |
Room 205 | District 6 | Fax 808-587-7230 |
E-mail | ||
Espero, Will (D) | Phone 808-586-6360 | |
Room 207 | District 20 | Fax 808-586-6361 |
E-mail | ||
Fukunaga, Carol (D) | Phone 808-586-6890 | |
Room 216 | District 11 | Fax 808-586-6899 |
E-mail | ||
Gabbard, Mike (D) | Phone 808-586-6830 | |
Room 204 | District 19 | Fax 808-586-6679 |
E-mail | ||
Hanabusa, Colleen (D) | Phone 808-586-7793 | |
Room 409 | District 21 | Fax 808-586-7797 |
E-mail | ||
Hee, Clayton (D) | Phone 808-586-7330 | |
Room 228 | District 23 | Fax 808-586-7334 |
E-mail | ||
Hemmings, Fred (R) | Phone 808-587-8388 | |
Room 221 | District 25 | Fax 808-587-7240 |
E-mail | ||
Hooser, Gary L. (D) | Phone 808-586-6030 | |
Room 214 | District 7 | Fax 808-586-6031 |
E-mail | ||
Ige, David Y. (D) | Phone 808-586-6230 | |
Room 215 | District 16 | Fax 808-586-6231 |
E-mail | ||
Ihara, Les (D) | Phone 808-586-6250 | |
Room 220 | District 9 | Fax 808-586-6251 |
E-mail | ||
Inouye, Lorraine R. (D) | Phone 808-586-7335 | |
Room 201 | District 1 | Fax 808-586-7339 |
E-mail | ||
Kim, Donna Mercado (D) | Phone 808-587-7200 | |
Room 231 | District 14 | Fax 808-587-7205 |
E-mail | ||
Kokubun, Russell S. (D) | Phone 808-586-6760 | |
Room 407 | District 2 | Fax 808-586-6689 |
E-mail | ||
Menor, Ron (D) | Phone 808-586-6740 | |
Room 208 | District 17 | Fax 808-586-6829 |
E-mail | ||
Nishihara, Clarence K. (D) | Phone 808-586-6970 | |
Room 213 | District 18 | Fax 808-586-6879 |
E-mail | ||
Sakamoto, Norman (D) | Phone 808-586-8585 | |
Room 230 | District 15 | Fax 808-586-8588 |
E-mail | ||
Slom, Sam (R) | Phone 808-586-8420 | |
Room 222 | District 8 | Fax 808-586-8426 |
E-mail | ||
Taniguchi, Brian (D) | Phone 808-586-6460 | |
Room 219 | District 10 | Fax 808-586-6461 |
E-mail | ||
Tokuda, Jill N. (D) | Phone 808-587-7215 | |
Room 218 | District 24 | Fax 808-587-7220 |
E-mail | ||
Trimble, Gordon (R) | Phone 808-586-7100 | |
Room 203 | District 12 | Fax 808-586-7109 |
E-mail | ||
Tsutsui, Shan S. (D) | Phone 808-586-7344 | |
Room 206 | District 4 | Fax 808-586-7348 |
E-mail | ||
Whalen, Paul (R) | Phone 808-586-9385 | |
Room 223 | District 3 | Fax 808-586-9391 |
E-mail |
Directory of Representatives
415 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
All Representatives | E-mail | |
Awana, Karen Leinani (R) | Phone 808-586-8465 | |
Room 319 | District 44 | Fax 808-586-8469 |
E-mail | ||
Belatti, Della Au (D) | Phone 808-586-9425 | |
Room 331 | District 25 | Fax 808-586-9431 |
E-mail | ||
Berg, Lyla B. (D) | Phone 808-586-6510 | |
Room 324 | District 18 | Fax 808-586-6511 |
E-mail | ||
Bertram, Joe (D) | Phone 808-586-8525 | |
Room 311 | District 11 | Fax 808-586-8529 |
E-mail | ||
Brower, Tom (D) | Phone 808-586-8520 | |
Room 310 | District 23 | Fax 808-586-8524 |
E-mail | ||
Cabanilla, Rida T.R. (D) | Phone 808-586-6080 | |
Room 442 | District 42 | Fax 808-586-6081 |
E-mail | ||
Caldwell, Kirk (D) | Phone 808-586-8475 | |
Room 439 | District 24 | Fax 808-586-8479 |
E-mail | ||
Carroll, Mele (D) | Phone 808-586-6790 | |
Room 405 | District 13 | Fax 808-586-6779 |
E-mail | ||
Chang, Jerry L. (D) | Phone 808-586-6120 | |
Room 435 | District 2 | Fax 808-586-6121 |
E-mail | ||
Ching, Corinne W.L. (R) | Phone 808-586-9415 | |
Room 330 | District 27 | Fax 808-586-9421 |
E-mail | ||
Chong, Pono (D) | Phone 808-586-9490 | |
Room 404 | District 49 | Fax 808-586-9496 |
E-mail | ||
Evans, Cindy (D) | Phone 808-586-8510 | |
Room 425 | District 7 | Fax 808-586-8514 |
E-mail | ||
Finnegan, Lynn (R) | Phone 808-586-9470 | |
Room 328 | District 32 | Fax 808-586-9476 |
E-mail | ||
Green, Josh (D) | Phone 808-586-9605 | |
Room 327 | District 6 | Fax 808-586-9608 |
E-mail | ||
Hanohano, Faye P. (D) | Phone 808-586-6530 | |
Room 303 | District 4 | Fax 808-586-6531 |
E-mail | ||
Har, Sharon E. (D) | Phone 808-586-8500 | |
Room 313 | District 40 | Fax 808-586-8504 |
E-mail | ||
Herkes, Robert N. (D) | Phone 808-586-8400 | |
Room 320 | District 5 | Fax 808-586-8404 |
E-mail | ||
Ito, Ken (D) | Phone 808-586-8470 | |
Room 420 | District 48 | Fax 808-586-8474 |
E-mail | ||
Karamatsu, Jon Riki (D) | Phone 808-586-8490 | |
Room 427 | District 41 | Fax 808-586-8494 |
E-mail | ||
Lee, Marilyn B. (D) | Phone 808-586-9460 | |
Room 434 | District 38 | Fax 808-586-9466 |
E-mail | ||
Luke, Sylvia (D) | Phone 808-586-8530 | |
Room 332 | District 26 | Fax 808-586-8534 |
E-mail | ||
Magaoay, Michael Y. (D) | Phone 808-586-6380 | |
Room 432 | District 46 | Fax 808-586-6381 |
E-mail | ||
Manahan, Joey (D) | Phone 808-586-6010 | |
Room 421 | District 29 | Fax 808-586-6011 |
E-mail | ||
Marumoto, Barbara C. (R) | Phone 808-586-6310 | |
Room 304 | District 19 | Fax 808-586-6311 |
E-mail | ||
McKelvey, Angus L.K. (D) | Phone 808-586-6160 | |
Room 315 | District 10 | Fax 808-586-6161 |
E-mail | ||
Meyer, Colleen Rose (R) | Phone 808-586-8540 | |
Room 333 | District 47 | Fax 808-586-8544 |
E-mail | ||
Mizuno, John (D) | Phone 808-586-6050 | |
Room 436 | District 30 | Fax 808-586-6051 |
E-mail | ||
Morita, Hermina M. (D) | Phone 808-586-8435 | |
Room 314 | District 14 | Fax 808-586-8437 |
E-mail | ||
Nakasone, Bob (D) | Phone 808-586-6210 | |
Room 424 | District 9 | Fax 808-586-6211 |
E-mail | ||
Nishimoto, Scott Y. (D) | Phone 808-586-8515 | |
Room 441 | District 21 | Fax 808-586-8519 |
E-mail | ||
Oshiro, Blake K. (D) | Phone 808-586-6340 | |
Room 422 | District 33 | Fax 808-586-6341 |
E-mail | ||
Oshiro, Marcus R. (D) | Phone 808-586-6200 | |
Room 306 | District 39 | Fax 808-586-6201 |
E-mail | ||
Pine, Kymberly Marcos (R) | Phone 808-586-9730 | |
Room 317 | District 43 | Fax 808-586-9738 |
E-mail | ||
Rhoads, Karl (D) | Phone 808-586-6180 | |
Room 326 | District 28 | Fax 808-586-6189 |
E-mail | ||
Sagum, Roland D. (D) | Phone 808-586-6280 | |
Room 426 | District 16 | Fax 808-586-6281 |
E-mail | ||
Saiki, Scott K. (D) | Phone 808-586-8485 | |
Room 418 | District 22 | Fax 808-586-8489 |
E-mail | ||
Say, Calvin K.Y. (D) | Phone 808-586-6100 | |
Room 431 | District 20 | Fax 808-586-6101 |
E-mail | ||
Shimabukuro, Maile S. L. (D) | Phone 808-586-8460 | |
Room 406 | District 45 | Fax 808-586-8464 |
E-mail | ||
Sonson, Alex M. (D) | Phone 808-586-6520 | |
Room 323 | District 35 | Fax 808-586-6521 |
E-mail | ||
Souki, Joseph M. (D) | Phone 808-586-9444 | |
Room 433 | District 8 | Fax 808-586-9499 |
E-mail | ||
Takai, K. Mark (D) | Phone 808-586-8455 | |
Room 305 | District 34 | Fax 808-586-8459 |
E-mail | ||
Takamine, Dwight Y. (D) | Phone 808-586-6680 | |
Room 438 | District 1 | Fax 808-586-6684 |
E-mail | ||
Takumi, Roy M. (D) | Phone 808-586-6170 | |
Room 444 | District 36 | Fax 808-586-6171 |
E-mail | ||
Thielen, Cynthia (R) | Phone 808-586-6480 | |
Room 443 | District 50 | Fax 808-586-6481 |
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Tokioka, James Kunane (D) | Phone 808-586-6270 | |
Room 322 | District 15 | Fax 808-586-6271 |
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Tsuji, Clift (D) | Phone 808-586-8480 | |
Room 403 | District 3 | Fax 808-586-8484 |
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Wakai, Glenn (D) | Phone 808-586-6220 | |
Room 316 | District 31 | Fax 808-586-6221 |
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Ward, Gene (R) | Phone 808-586-6420 | |
Room 318 | District 17 | Fax 808-586-6421 |
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Waters, Tommy (D) | Phone 808-586-9450 | |
Room 302 | District 51 | Fax 808-586-9456 |
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Yamane, Ryan I. (D) | Phone 808-586-6150 | |
Room 419 | District 37 | Fax 808-586-6151 |
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Yamashita, Kyle T. (D) | Phone 808-586-6330 | |
Room 402 | District 12 | Fax 808-586-6331 |
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