Monday, October 15, 2007

Persuade feds, state to defer ferry loans



Monday, October 15, 2007

Persuade feds, state to defer ferry loans

When I was in college, I took out government loans, and got deferred payments until I graduated. No money was due until I started earning my money. Let's bring in the feds who guaranteed the Superferry loan. With them and/or the help of Congress a bill can be passed to defer loan payments for the Superferry. Do the same thing for the state loans.

Superferry then can sit idle while the very lawful EA/EIS is done, and no harm is done to the neighbor islands. Oahu will practice aloha and be patient, not grumble about missing a possible "convenience" at the risk of irreparable harm to its neighbors. Sounds simple; it is. Not political, just simple.

A federal and state deferral of loan payments answers all, and takes the pressure off.

John Cragg
Ahahola, Hawaii